
Welcome to my page!

I was a tumblr gal, but realized that Word Press would better suite me. I appreciate you following me over here!

I’ve been married to my husband for almost 5 years and right now we have 1 two-year old son, Anthony. I am blest to be a stay at home mom working a health and fitness home business from home.


My Family

My Family


Before I had Anthony, I was an elementary school teacher. I received my masters in educational leadership, and actually served as interim principal in the fall of 2010 for the school I previously worked at while my former boss was on her maternity leave.

I like to combine the worlds of education and fitness into motherhood. I apply what I can from my classroom to my home to broaden Anthony’s horizons.

I love sharing health and fitness with others. I was a softball player in college, but the work world and grad school brought out the stress in me, and helped me stack on pounds.

After having Anthony, I decided to kick it into gear. We found out when he was 4 months old that he had many food allergies. I changed my diet, and lost 20+ pounds doing Chalean Extreme home fitness program.

I’m in better shape now than ever in my life. I am here to share my tips and strategies to help YOU combine the worlds of education and fitness as well as keep myself accountable for being healthy!

This is going to be a fabulous ride! Off we go!