A Challenge and Checking Things Off the Goal List for 2011

Did you set yourself some goals that you want to achieve in 2011?

I learned earlier in the year when I completed the 30 Day Challenge to write my goals down repeatedly once a week…same time…same place…EVERY week. By doing this, we WILL achieve our goals.

One goal I had was to jump out of my comfort zone and really increase my flexibility training.

Checked that off the list yesterday. 🙂

Even though we had a time change…that didn’t stop us. Grisel, Liz, and I hopped in the RAV4 at 5am and drove up to Madison, Wisconsin for a PiYo training with Katy Meuer.

We were so happy we did! It was a 9-5 training…full of intense working out, a practical exam, and a written exam.

We won’t know for a few weeks if we passed or not, but we all felt really good when we were done!

Katy had tons of energy and really made us feel comfortable.

Plus, we bought some cool Turbowear. 🙂 Here I am sporting my new Piyo tank. So comfy! I know…it’s sideways…I’m giving you the first step of the Piyo14 workout…a neck stretch! LOL!

Point being…check your goals for the year. Are you rewriting them every week? Accomplishing them?

Get outside of your comfort zone and do something different!

Katy told us that Chalene says to face your fear and do it anyway.

I even taught one line of the choreography to the whole class!

Fear? Faced it DEAD ON…and CONQUERED it!

Do you have a group of friends that want to learn Piyo (Pilates/Yoga fusion with some strength training in it…no weights or bands)? Let me know…I’d be happy to lead your group and share. Basements and family rooms are a great spot! 🙂 Send me a message on Facebook!