How To Get Out of Target with $$ In Your Pocket

The red balls….

The bullseye….

Oh I just need “one or two things”…

Yet, you see those parents coming out with cart loads full and a face like they just went through the car wash…

Pure exhaustion…

Anthony wears me out in Target. He loves that store, particularly, the vacuum display.

Yesterday, I did it!

My tips:
1. Stick to your list.
2. Go right to the first item on your list.
3. Know the layout of the store. Stay away from the toy section, tv section, or anything else that will distract you or anyone in your cart. 🙂
4. Have any coupons out and in your hand when you get to checkout.
5. Save a few cents by having your reusable bag(s) with you.

Reduced Prices Do Not Mean Zero Calorie :)

This is my biggest temptation every year.

Seriously, even more so than the day after Christmas.

Every year, the day after Easter I love to go to Target, Walgreens, and CVS and hit up their holiday aisle for the CLEARANCE goodies!

I’m reminding myself this year to realize…just because the bags of candy are $1 or less doesn’t mean that I have to buy them. I LOVE the Starburst Jelly Beans and the Cadburry Mini Eggs that are completely full of that awesome chocolate with the thin candy shell. Not to mention those wonderful Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs!

But, I don’t need to derail all the good work that we have done in our home with healthy eating habits by putting all that in our home again. That was part of our original problem.

I believe in all things in moderation. For me, moderation is a pizza night one night a week. As for sweets, I’m down with my chocolate Shakeology, so candy and treats of that sort are reserved for special occasions mostly.

Easter is a very special occasion in our home! Our biggest special occasion! Therefore, we will enjoy our treats on Sunday, but that’ll be it. We can have our favorites and enjoy every bite rather than scarfing it all down, knowing that we’ll have more tomorrow when bargain lady mommy goes to the store and raids the holiday aisle!

Every jelly bean (even if it is zero fat) contains sugar. Sugar turns into fat…which my body does not need.

Those mini eggs…well…my love affair with those will just end up with them being suction cupped to my hips.

I’ll stick with enjoying them on Sunday and being thankful at the end of the week that I didn’t let it trigger more and more treat eating throughout the week.

Everything in moderation…but always on the right track.

As a teacher, I was always careful to keep my students on the right path, even if our conversations went astray for a few moments. I enjoyed getting to know my kids and making them laugh…they worked harder then when it was time to work!

Same holds true here…stray on those holidays! Enjoy! But stay close to the path so you can hop back on without having to take a long journey just to get back on track!

Slow and steady always wins the race!

Healthy living is a marathon, not a sprint. 🙂

For more healthy tips or just to find our more about me follow me:


Twitter: @katiechoudhary

YouTube: msmini1121
